Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ramadan Calling

Two days, on my way downtown, I picked up some really tasty almonds from one of those guys who roasts them and then gives them a sweet, red coating.

These were the same almonds I was finishing off yesterday morning when Hichem walked into the American Corner with Douraied. Looking at Hichem, I said "You have got to try these almonds! They are so damn good - have you tried them before?"

He looked at me and shook his head, "No thanks."

I persisted, a bit mystified for another five seconds... before I realized we were still in Ramadan. We all laughed it off.

Ramadan is almost over here - if the moon does what it's supposed to, it should finish up on Friday with the Aid al-Fitr. Most of the Tunis residents I know are going back to see their families for the weekend and celebrate - all of the children receive gifts as well.

Given that, I'm normally very cognizant that it's Ramadan, since it's very hard to forget, but I'll still have my moments where I completely blank on that fact - like the little almond incident.

I'll be honest and say I am looking forward to Ramadan being over. On one hand, I do love the atmosphere - the Medina at night, the iftar dinners with Tunisian families (tonight I am going over to Hichem's again), and the music, but on the other hand, it's hampered a lot of my routine. Part of the reason I haven't been writing much lately is because I've been quite sick with a nasty flu and infection, but also because I haven't been doing much on the weekends during the days - not much is open and traveling is tougher. Same goes for after work - I get off someday around four, but I can't do much because very few cafes are open.

Soon, my friend Chris and her sister Jill are coming out - I'm looking forward to showing a good friend around Tunis and around the country as well. This will be the first time that my two worlds really connect, which is always an interesting experience - it also helps in making it more real... Now I can talk with a friend back home about it in a different way.


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