Thursday, November 1, 2007


(Image from

Lablabi is a "popular" (in the French sense) food that you can find at many quick-serve places in Tunis. It's a great, simple food that works the best when it's cold outside (it also knocks you off your feet and into nap time for half an hour). Basically, lablabi is a thick soup of chickpeas, garlic, and sometimes onion. You break bread up into little pieces, and then you ladle the soup over it. After, you add cumin (or during the cooking), harissa, olive oil, and lemon juice. You can also add a runny soft-boiled egg if you feel comfortable with it (I do it, but also I'm not here for a week-long excursion that could be shot by a bad egg).

Then you take two spoons and mash it all up. The resulting mixture is a nice, thick chickpea stew with a solid and simple flavor - the chickpeas and the olive oil and lemon come through, as does the harissa. Another great benefit is the price - a lablabi with an egg in Tunis is 1.500 TD, which is a steal.

Just go into a decent fast-food and ask "'Andik lablabi?"


At November 1, 2007 at 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaaaah man !!!! This is the real HIT. One of my favourite dishes EVER !!

At November 11, 2007 at 5:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well buddy, I didn't have Lablabi for over 2 years now, wish I can find a place that serves it here in Washington.

Looks so good in picture, wow

At November 11, 2007 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Hsouna : 2 years without Lablabi ??? Come on, just do it yourself, it's easy !!!


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