Tuesday, March 11, 2008


By a very nasty stomach flu.

I went out last Thursday to a very nice dinner at Chez Slah with Lee and two Rims. Had some great swordfish what is, in my opinion, the best place in Central Tunis for seafood, especially fish. If you want to go, make sure you make a reservation, otherwise you are not getting in.

It was when I got home when I realized that something I had eaten earlier or somehow gotten in my system earlier in the day didn't agree with me... That was followed by four days of absolute hell - the most sick I've ever been here, including a nonstop fever/chills cycle for the first 30 hours. Now, I'm back at work, but I still have a bit of trouble standing up straight - my stomach is still pretty worn out.

Anyways, I am still planning on uploading photos of the South very soon. The one on top is from just outside of an abandoned Berber village in the mountains by Tozeur. The one on bottom is a shot of our group exploring the Star Wars set in the desert outside of Nefta just before the sunset.


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